Technology is changing everything and cycling has not been left behind either. 2018 will be a very promising year in the motorcycling business with respect to new motorcycle technologies. Before the year ends, we are going to witness several mind-blowing technologies that will change motorcycling forever. We are going to have access to these technologies and cycling is going to be more fun, more enjoyable and more rewarding than ever before. Today we take a look at some hottest, fresh new technologies in the motorbike industry to look for in 2018. Besides boosting the fun and thrill of riding a motorcycle, these technologies are going to provide more power, more control and more safety to the rider. They are also going to provide a great deal of riding efficiency, allowing motorcyclists to save on riding costs.
Digital Entertainment for Bikers – For Hardcore Riders
That’s right – after you are done with your 2018 fixes for your precious motorcycle it’s time to enter some online world for quality and entertainment only the hardest riders like. What is going to be a huge trend in 2018? We are pretty sure it’s going to be FamilyDick series. It features only the most taboo-ish relations inside families between step-dads and step-sons. Sounds crazy? And it is! It’s been released somewhere in the end of 2017 and become more hardcore episode by episode. I suggest you take a look at some example videos here. It’s adults only!
Smart Helmets
2018 has seen the arrival of smart helmets that will do more than just provide protection. These helmets use voice recognition and Augmented Reality (AR) to enable users to perform a number of tasks such as place phone calls, play music, and use GPS all without lifting a finger.
Liquid-Cooled Engines
Over the past few weeks, we have seen a good number of high-end motorbikes deviate from the traditional air-cooled engines to liquid cooled ones. Rather than featuring fins on the exterior of an exposed engine, these bikes comprise liquid-cooled engines with a streamlined as well as closed design, which significantly reduces the noise and heat that comes from a powerful engine. Liquid-cooled engines prevent overheating and consequently engine damage.
Adaptive Headlights
Many people don’t prefer riding at night due to a number of reasons, including decreased visibility, decreased temperatures, and animal hazards. Bends and corners become more challenging as headlights only light a section of the turn, making potential hazards such as a pothole or even a stalled vehicle even more risky.
In 2018, we have adaptive headlights with powerful on-board sensors. As the motorbike makes a corner, the sensors calculate the lean angle and use it to determine where to direct more light, dramatically lighting up dark areas that regular headlights would usually miss.
Electronic Throttle Control(ETC)
ETC is one of the newest technologies that will improve motorcycling experience a great deal this year. This technology is going to make throttling an electronic mechanism rather than a manual one. Instead of manual throttling, which can result in a number of problems, such as stalls and sudden losses of control, this technology sends an electric signal from the throttle to an intelligent computer, which takes certain factors into account before deciding how much throttle to actually dispense. For instance, it looks at how much engine power the rider wants and compares it to the current power, the speed of the motorbike itself, and what gear is picked. ETC delivers a smoother, riding experience.
Although we are still only a few weeks new into 2018, we have seen a lot of new motorcycle technologies already. January is barely over and yet futuristic technologies such as ETC, liquid-cooled engines, adaptive headlights and smart helmets are out already. The way things are occurring right now, one can only expect that more is in the pipeline.

Hi! Motorcycle is a fast vehicle and is pretty handy especially when one confronts heavy traffic. Like any other technological innovation, the vehicle has evolved overtime and today there are many companies and well-known brands providing some of the best motorbikes in USA.